Friday, August 15, 2014

The Voyage has Begun

The flight to Copenhagen left right on time. With the exception of crying babies and people talking after the lights we're turn off and everyone was supposed to be sleeping, it was a good flight.

As soon as I awoke and opened the airplane shades, I was greeted by this. The sun was just peeping over the Scandinavian horizon. How beautiful. Sometimes timing is everything.

Copenhagen has a lot of bicycles, sort of like Amsterdam but more, I think. They have lots of dedicated bike lanes. If you want to enjoy this city and live to tell about it, don't walk in the bike lane or stand in the bike lane while waiting for the Walk sign. At a minimum, you'll get yelled at by a fast moving cyclist. At worse, you'll get run over. I speak from experience. Fortunately I was only yelled at.

When I travel, I enjoy seeing architecture that's so different from what I see at home. Copenhagen has lots to offer. Some simple, some more ornate and with lots of color. Here are some examples -

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