Sunday, October 20, 2013

Weather Down There & Test Packing

As of today, I'll begin regular updates about my upcoming trip to New Zealand and Australia. Updates will include travel planning, a few insights into history and culture of the two countries and anything else that comes to mind.

Only 20 days til liftoff. I've been checking the weather at least a couple of times each week. Except for the middle part of Australia (Uluru and Alice Springs - hot, hot), high and  low temps are almost the exact opposite of those we're experiencing here in the Washington, DC area. Of course, that would make sense since we're on opposite sides of the equator. It's getting warmer there and cooler here.

I've done a test pack to ensure that all of my clothes and toiletries fit into my 22 in. carry-on. They do. And I didn't need to take out any items (I'm learning). Since the temps will be getting warmer, I'll only need lightweight clothing and a few tops with long sleeves, mostly for Queensland, Invercargill and Wellington in the southern part of New Zealand (the further you go south, the cooler it gets).

Yes!!! A carry-on and a backpack - my kind of travel.

Hooroo (goodbye) for now.

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